The Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) has issued on Monday, 10 SEP 2018, the 3rd Shadow Report on the implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement - I Semester 2018 (enclosed). The Report was prepared by IPRE with the kind support of Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS).
The Shadow Report concludes that a very limited progress in the implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement has been achieved by mid-2018, and compared with 2017 a qualitative decline is attested. This is mainly due to a complicating EU-Moldova political dialogue due to internal issues affecting democratic institutions and rule of law. However, moderate progress is registered with reference to DCFTA. The trade exports to the EU have increased to 68.48%. There is an advancement in the process of legal approximation with the relevant EU acquis in the veterinary sector, food packaging, financial services and audit. At the same time, there is some progress in the transposition of legislation in several sectoral areas, such as the energy or the financial-banking sector.