EU skeptics say, we respond: counter-arguments to the key caveats regarding Ukraine’s EU candidacy
On June 23-24, the European Council will decide whether to grant Ukraine the EU candidate status. There are a number of caveats in European capitals concerning this step. The New Europe Center prepared counter-arguments to the key caveats of Europeans…
Uncovering Traces of the Association Agreement: Alongside My Route
3DCFTAs Youth Essay Competition – Merit
A post-Coronavirus Narrative for the Eastern Partnership
The coronavirus crisis, and the ‘Green Deal’ and digital agendas that will be resumed as soon as the pandemic subsides, are transformational shocks to the EU and its relations with its close neighbours. These shocks could become the…
Which spreads faster in the EU’s neighbourhood: Coronavirus or disinformation?
The European External Action Service (EEAS), in its special reports on disinformation around Coronavirus has revealed the unprecedented volumes of disinformation hitting the EU’s neighbourhood. The EEAS reports rely on the EUvsDisinfo…
Words and Wars. Ukraine Facing Kremlin Propaganda

Joining efforts and skills to confront propaganda

Ukraine at war truth against Russian propaganda

How Russian Propaganda Portrays European Leaders

Recommendations by the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) on Combating Disinformation and Propaganda

IRI NED The Beacon Project

Advancing Eastern Partnership: 23 Civil Society Ideas for the policy beyond 2020
EaP Civil Society Forum. “Advancing Eastern Partnership: 23 Civil Society Ideas for the Policy beyond 2020” came out of six focus groups, coordinated by Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) – bringing together experts and members…
Findings of mass media monitoring in Armenia: Detecting propaganda (second monitoring)
Analytical Center for Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) during October‐December 2018 within the scope of Second Cycle: Measuring the public views regarding International organizations and Monitoring of Media in Armenia…
Ukraine and the Association Agreement: Implementation Monitoring 2014–2018
Ukrainian Centre for European Policy (UCEP). In 2018, Ukraine had to approximate its legislation to EU legislation in six areas: transport, social policy, technical barriers to trade, establishment and trade in services, environment and company…
Integration within Association: Dynamics of the EU-Ukraine Agreement Implementation
The policy paper offers an innovative perspective of looking at the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as an opportunity to integrate Ukraine into the EU’s Internal Market. It lists all the 14 sectors where such integration is foreseen by the…
Ukraine’s Implementation of 20 Eastern Partnership Deliverables for 2020
The European Union strongly supports building relations with Eastern Partnership countries based on the…
3rd Shadow Report on the implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement - I Semester 2018
The Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) has issued on Monday, 10 SEP 2018, the 3rd Shadow Report on the implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement - I Semester 2018 (enclosed). The Report was prepared by IPRE with…
Rebuilding Ukraine: An Assessment of EU Assistance
Summary. Ukraine opted for political association and economic integration with the European Union (EU) when it signed an Association Agreement (AA) in 2014. The agreement is unprecedented in that the country has committed to reforms without…
Opinion Survey 2018: Regional Overview
The EU neighbours east project, in collaboration with ACT LLC, carries out opinion polls in the six EU's Eastern Partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) on an annual basis. According to the…
The biggest achievements of the Ukrainian reforms
RPR Coalition experts analyzed the course of reforms after the Revolution of Dignity and identified the most important concrete and quantifiable…
Report on complementary and alternative modes of engagement with the Eastern Partnership countries
The report provides an inside-out perspective on EU engagement beyond or in the absence of Association Agreements. The report sheds light on how the "20 Deliverables for 2020" were perceived in Moldova and Belarus, as well as how the…
Study - Association agreements between the EU and Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine
The study presents the successes and shortcomings of the implementation of three association agreements singes by the EU with Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. The study is composed of four papers: the first presents the opinions of the EU monitoring and…
From Objectives to Results: the Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as seen by Stakeholders
The Ukrainian Side of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform. The report “From Objectives to Results: the Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as Seen by Stakeholders” was written by the Ukrainian Side of the EU-Ukraine Civil…
The state of implementation of the associations and free trade agreements with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova with a particular focus on Ukraine and systemic analysis of key sectors
Signing and ratifying Association Agreements with Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine has proven to be an impressive affirmation of Brussels’ soft power. The EU’s overtures have persuaded elites and mobilised societies despite the fact that the Agreements…
The Reforms Guide: a book for understanding seventeen key reforms taking place in Ukraine
Dear readers, you have the Reforms Guide in your hands, and it will help you to find your way around the tricky labyrinth of reforms that started with the Revolution of Dignity. The Government undertook 62 reforms and stated this in The Strategy…
EU-navigator: monitoring of the Association Agreement fulfilment by Ukraine
Ukrainian Centre for European Policy. How many obligations has Ukraine to fulfil according to the Association Agreement? And in what term? Check out the project by Ukrainian Centre for European (UCEP). Disclaimer:…
Moldova: State of the Country Report 2017
Moldova’s state of the country has worsened against the background of a number of exacerbating systemic vulnerabilities. The development prospects of the country are challenged by a series of economic, social and demographic constraints. From…
Ukraine in the coordinates of the Eastern Partnership 2017-2020
Expert review of the Joint Staff Working Document on Eastern Partnership – 20 Deliverables for 2020: Focusing on Key Priorities and Tangible Results. The Joint Staff Working Document on .Eastern Partnership – 20 Deliverables for 2020: Focusing…
Ukraine: Reforms under the Microscope. Overview of the Key Reform Developments in 2016 - early 2017
In this publication, experts of the Reanimation Package of Reforms – Ukrainian coalition of non-governmental organizations – analyze the key tasks that Ukraine is facing on its path towards institutional, economic, and social reforms, as well as assess…
Ukraine and the EU: What Think Tanks are thinking
Relations between the European Union and Ukraine have been improving since the Maidan protests ousted President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014, leading to the election of pro-Western Petro Poroshenko as head of state. At their meeting on 12-13 July, EU…
DCFTA implementation in Ukraine: Assessment after one year
In January 2016 started the provisional application of the deep and comprehensive free trade area (DCFTA) between the EU and Ukraine. After one year, we assess the implementation of the treaty by Ukraine. More precisely, we review seven fields: market…
Ukraine and the Association Agreement: Implementation Monitoring July 1 — November 1, 2016
The Association Agreement provides that Ukraine is obliged to implement approximately 350 EU legal acts (directives, regulations, decisions) by 2025. Under the terms defined in the Agreement for the period of July 1, 2016 – November 1, 2016,…
Annual survey 2016 - Eastern Partnership regional overview (factsheets)
his series of factsheets presents selected findings from the 'EU NEIGHBOURS east' Annual survey 2016 – regional overview of the 1st wave conducted in the six Eastern Neighbourhood countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine).…
Republic of Moldova 2016: State of the Country Report
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is launching today, the 30th of September, in the framework of the 4th Edition of the Annual International Conference MACRO 2016, the State of the Country Report…
Supporting Ukraine's Difficult Path Towards Reforms
This Policy paper by Jan Jakub Chromiec, associate research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institut - Berlin, and Nicole Koenig, research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institut - Berlin, assesses Ukraine's post-Maidan reform progress and outlines how…
The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area: A New Legal Instrument for EU Integration Without Membership
In The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, Guillaume Van der Loo provides the first comprehensive legal analysis of this complex and controversial international agreement. While key political and legal…
Review of European Neighborhood Policy, implications for Moldova and Russia’s place
Eastern Partnership Revisited: Associated Countries in Focus

EaP CSF Re-granting Scheme 2015

Report on Implementation of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine
This report covers the information on major activities and results of the implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine (hereinafter – the Agreement), which was planned and performed in the period from September 2014…
EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: “Guide to the Association Agreement”