This European implementation assessment (EIA) has been prepared by the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit (EVAL) within the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) in order to assist the AFET committee in their scrutiny work, and has been produced in the form of an own-initiative report on the implementation of the EU association agreement with Ukraine (2019/2202(INI)).
The report (EIA) is an updated version of the report published by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) in June 2018: Association agreements between the EU and Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. European Implementation Assessment. The updated EIA discusses the progress made in the implementation of the association agreement with Ukraine from the time covered by the previous report up until the present.
This European implementation assessment consists of two parts:
Part I, an in-house opening analysis written by Dr Anna Zygierewicz with Ilaria Giustacchini from the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit (EVAL) of the European Parliamentary Research Service, and
Part II, an externally prepared briefing paper written by Daniel Szeligowski (ed.), Maria Piechowska, Melchior Szczepanik, Damian Wnukowski, and Maciej Zaniewicz from the Polish Institute of Foreign Affairs (PISM), Warsaw, Poland.
Part I has been prepared on the basis of desk research and presents the main findings and recommendations deriving from high-level EU meetings and documents on the implementation of the association agreement (AA) between the EU and Ukraine. The analysis also discusses the progress being made in how the EU is perceived in Ukraine, and in Ukraine's participation in selected EU programmes. The analysis is enriched by information on joint actions undertaken with Moldova and Georgia and comparative statistics for the three countries.
Part II has been prepared on the basis of desk research and data collected through a series of online and e-mail interviews with Ukrainian officials, EU diplomats and representatives of local and international organisations. The report starts by explaining the institutional and legal framework for AA implementation in Ukraine, and continues with discussions on the rule of law and good governance; trade; economic and sectoral cooperation; energy and climate; and justice, freedom and security. The analysis also contains an evaluation of the role and impact of the EU institutions regarding AA implementation in Ukraine and specific recommendations as to how to improve the effectiveness of AA implementation in the future.