Economic Monitor Moldova 2017

The “Economic Monitor Moldova” provides an overview over the most important economic indicators and also offers an assessment of current topics by the German Economic Team (GET) Moldova.


  • Economic growth at 3.5% in 2017;
  • Weaker growth of 3.0% expected in 2018 due to decreased consumption demand;
  • Inflation at 6.6% in average during 2017; lower forecast for 2018;
  • Appreciation of the Leu reflects macroeconomic stability and positive economic situation;
  • Very good performance of external trade during 2017; two-digit increase in imports and exports;
  • Budget deficit at 3.1% of GDP in 2017; lower than expected due to increased revenues.


  • Banking sector. Stabilisation reached after banking fraud, crediting of the private sector still decreasing;
  • Foreign direct investment. Role of FDI for the economy so far underestimated, as a study of GET Moldova has shown;
  • Economic reforms. Comprehensive reforms to be assessed positively; too early for final assessment;
  • Increasing tax revenues. Increase in tax revenues can at least partly be attributed to reforms; positive example for structural reforms.