Energy Community Secretariat.
This year’s implementation report written by the Secretariat’s experts once again provides a true and fair view of where the Contracting Parties stand today. Over years of intensive cooperation, the Secretariat has gained the insight necessary to provide a straightforward assessment. The results highlight that the Contracting Parties have made progress in their first energy transition, but still need to catch up. The average implementation score is at around 43%, ranging from 23% (Georgia) to 61% (Montenegro).
For the third year in a row, the focus remained on the implementation of the Third Energy Package. The Secretariat continued to assist the Contracting Parties in major tasks such as unbundling and certification of transmission system operators, unbundling of distribution system operators and full market opening. In May 2018, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia joined the other seven Contracting Parties which have already transposed the Third Package. With respect to the newest member of the Energy Community, Georgia, the Secretariat has intensified its efforts to support the country in order to meet the transposition deadlines set in its accession protocol.
Based on the indicators compiled by the Secretariat, the graphics below allow an identification of overall frontrunners as well as problem areas across the nine Contracting Parties. For Contracting Party specific indicator charts, please, refer to the Parties' Overview-pages within this section.