The evaluation of EU Support for Security Sector Reform in Enlargement and Neighbourhood Countries (2010-2016) was conducted for DG NEAR/the European Commission (EC) to help strengthen democratic accountability and transparency and improve policy and practice through evidence-based learning. The evaluation’s primary purpose has been to provide an ex-post assessment of the performance (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, coherence, complementarity and coordination, impact, sustainability and EU value added) of EU support (political and policy dialogue and financial assistance) to security sector reform (SSR) in the Enlargement and Neighbourhood beneficiaries1 between 2010-2016, on the basis of the 2006 EU policy framework on SSR.2.
The evaluation covered the following thematic areas of SSR:
The areas of transitional justice and humanitarian mine action were outside the scope of the evaluation.
The evaluation methodology consisted of a comprehensive data collection and analysis approach comprising a desk review of available EU SSR policy documents and related evaluations; a mapping exercise analysing a portfolio of 1,996 EC-financed contracts and TAIEX events (of which 1,189 are EC-financed contracts and 807 are TAIEX events3), and 6 CSDP missions/operations4; a detailed review of documents for 39 selected interventions covering the 10 thematic SSR areas; interviews with relevant stakeholders, including EU institutions, EU Delegations/Offices and NATO staff, as well as beneficiaries, civil society, implementing partners and other international actors carried out during field missions in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Turkey, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.
Source: DG NEAR.