The College of Europe Natolin Campus, the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and the Polish-American Freedom Foundation (PAFF) announce a call for applications for the fifth edition of the Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy (WEASA) which is scheduled to take place between 2 and 15 July 2017.
The WEASA 2017 edition will be devoted to the issue of "Digital Community: Security, Information and Economy".
As such, the WEASA 2017 program aims to introduce participants to the growing role that the digital component plays in security, information and economy in the modern age.
In this sense, the WEASA 2017 edition shall offer an overarching understanding of the digital communities through focusing on the following dimensions: the digital media and the related new forms of information sharing in the light of democratic processes; the global digitalization of the economic sectors and the benefits of their development; the impact of digital tools and methods on the information environment including counter-information operations; and finally the cybersecurity challenges for states and non-state actors.
We encourage in particular up-and-coming policy analysts, experts, advisers, civil servants, journalists, private sector specialists and NGOs from the Eastern Partnership region (i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) focusing upon the European integration process, state transformation processes, transatlantic cooperation, cybersecurity, digital media and/or digital economy.
Priority will be given to mid-career professionals with at least five years of professional experience ideally in a field related to the topic of WEASA 2017.
The closing date for applications is 19 February 2017, 23:59pm (GMT+1).