Priorities for Developing the Association with the EU: Expectations of Ukrainian Civil Society Experts

Ukrainian independent experts in different sectors covered by the EU-Ukraine Association have set forth their expectations of the developments of the EU-Ukraine relationship this year and in the mid-term perspective.

These expectations have been discussed and revised taking into account proposals of participants of the public discussion “European Integration Agenda: Ukraine’s Ambitions for 2020” (Kyiv, 21 January 2020).

In a number of sectors experts stress the need to update the Association Agreement (AA), inter alia, to update the existing Annexes and/or add new ones in order to take into account EU law developments and the progress in the bilateral political and trade relations over the 10 years that have passed since negotiating the current AA text and 5 years since its (provisional) entry into force.

The experts’ consensual expected results of 2020 and 2023 are briefly summarised here, structured according to priority sectors of EU-Ukraine relationship.

Source: Civic Synergy Project
Photo credit: Civic Synergy Project