On 12th-14th of March 2019, one of the "3 DCFTAs" consortium members, Reformatics, hosted the Tunisian DCFTA negotiating team in Georgia. The aim of the visit was to share the Georgian experience of DCFTA negotiation process with the EU and its implementation perspectives, in order to better prepare the upcoming round of EU-Tunisia DCFTA negotiations.
The visit was organized by Reformatics and the Bertelsmann Foundation.
The team of Reformatics, which includes former lead negotiator and members of the EU-Georgia DCFTA negotiating team, shared its expertise related to DCFTA and provided practical advice on the content of and approach to negotiations. The topics covered, among others, services and investment, SPS, competition policy, state aid and customs. A separate session, led by the representative of the Institute for Economic Reearch and Policy Consulting (IER), was dedicated to the Ukrainian experience.
In addition, Reformatics organized meetings of the Tunisian delegation with government ministries in charge of DCFTA implementation as well as the customs clearance zone to demonstrate the successful Georgian experience of customs reforms and trade facilitation.