Tamara Kovziridze is co-founder of Reformatics, affiliated scholar with the Free University of Brussels and former Professor at the Free University of Tbilisi. She holds a Master's degree in political science, economics and English philology from the University of Heidelberg, Germany and a Ph.D. from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Her research interests include trade policy, economic regulations, ethno-national conflicts, European Integration and federalism. In 2004-2012 Tamara Kovziridze held various senior positions in the Government of Georgia. She was Deputy Minister of Economy in 2004-2008, and Chief Adviser to the Prime Minister and Head of Advisory Group on Foreign Relations in 2009-2012. She participated in planning and implementation of various economic reforms in Georgia. She was Chief Negotiator in Georgian-Turkish negotiations on a free trade agreement in 2006-2007, Georgia’s Chief Negotiator for Russian accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2005-2011 and Chief Negotiator and coordinator of Georgian-EU negotiations on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) in 2009-2012.
- Institutional development driven by the EU-Georgia DCFTA
- Transit Diversification to the EU Bypassing Russia
- EaP Bulletin No 21: The Winter War – Putin’s Holodomor
- EaP Bulletin No 20: The fast-changing map of Europe – views from Eastern Europe
- EaP Bulletin No 19: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its impacts on Eastern Europe
- Putin’s evil war
- Georgia’s competitiveness in pharmaceutical exports
- EaP Bulletin No 17: The Tragic, Deadly Vax-scepticism in Eastern Europe
- Deepening EU-Georgian Relations: Updating and upgrading in the shadow of Covid-19. Third edition.
- The Struggle for Good Governance in Eastern Europe
- Joint letter of civil society representatives to the leaders of the EU on vaccine needs of the EU’s Neighbourhood
- EaP Bulletin No 16: Vaccination Emergency in Eastern Europe
- Joint letter of civil society representatives to the leaders of the EU the vaccination in Eastern Europe
- EaP Bulletin No 15: And now for vaccination
- Balkan and Eastern European Comparisons: Building a New Momentum for the European integration of the Balkan and Eastern European associated states
- EaP COVID-19 Bulletin No 13: Devastating acceleration of COVID-19 across the whole of Europe
- EaP COVID-19 Bulletin No 11: Adverse developments in Eastern Europe, in the shadow of the Coronavirus second wave hitting the EU
- Georgia’s Competitiveness in the Apparel Export to the EU under the DCFTA
- EaP COVID-19 Bulletin No 8: Political impacts of COVID-19
- EaP COVID-19 Bulletin No 7: Economic and social impacts
- An Initial Assessment of the EFTA-Georgia Free Trade Agreement
- COVID-19 Bulletin No 3
- Reactions to the EU’s Communication on ‘Eastern Partnership policy beyond 2020’: A Vast Agenda - Some Advances and Disappointing Omissions
- Overview of FDI trends in Georgia before and after the DCFTA
- Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine advance an EU+3 proposition
- Prospective FTA between Georgia and India: Another result of DCFTA?
- Georgia-China FTA: Results of the First Year
- Deepening EU-Georgian Relations: What, why and how? Second edition
- The Struggle for Good Governance in Eastern Europe
- Mission to Tunisia: Lessons from the three East European DCFTAs
- Anti-Corruption Policies in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
- The Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention on Preferential Rules of Origin and its Benefits: A Comparative Analysis of its application for Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
- Georgia-China FTA: A side effect of the EU-Georgia DCFTA?
- The radical changes in trade structures of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, towards Europe, away from Russia
- Deepening EU-Georgian Relations: What, why and how?
- Georgia and Europe – A short guide
- Russia’s Punitive Trade Policy Measures towards Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia